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It has never been more competition in email marketing, therefore you need to stand out to have a chance.

What does Vinna do?


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Auto-Generated Personalized Videos

Generate thousands of personalized videos and add them to your sending software with one click.

Auto-Generated Personalized Images

Upload any image and customize it with text and custom variables. Perfect for follow-ups.

Video Editor

Get your prospect's attention by scrolling on their website. Convert their attention to meetings with custom presentations.

Custom Branding

Design your landing page with your brand color, logo, and domain.

Dynamic Follow-Ups

Automatically follow up with prospects based on their engagement with your video.

Become An Expert

When signing up you get access to an advanced cold email course and 1 on 1 coaching. You'll get the best copywriting frameworks, scripts, tools, databases, and much more.

Dynamic Images (Coming Soon)

Generate dynamic images for all your prospects, such as personalized memes.

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Automated hyper-personalization that drives engagement.